




Source Target Protocol Port Application
NA Database management SSH over TCP 22 SSH
NA Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs SSH over TCP 22 SSH
NA KVM SSH over TCP 22 SSH for serial sessions to MPUIQ-SRL module
NA Storage management SSH over TCP 22 SSH
NA KVM Telnet over TCP 23 Telnet, when enabled
Exadata Storage Servers E-mail server SMTP 25

465 if using SSL

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs NA TFTP over UDP 69 Outgoing TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
NA Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs HTTP over TCP 80 Web (user configurable)
NA KVM HTTP over TCP 80 Avocent video viewer download for Java applet
NA PDU HTTP over TCP 80 Browser interface
Database management NA NTP over UDP 123 Outgoing Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs NA NTP over UDP 123 Outgoing NTP
Storage management NA NTP over UDP 123 Outgoing NTP
ASR Manager ASR asset SNMP (get) 161 FMA enrichment for additional diagnostic information
NA Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs SNMP over UDP 161 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) (user configurable)
NA KVM SNMP over UDP 161 SNMP (user configurable)
NA PDU SNMP over UDP 161 SNMP (user configurable)
Exadata Storage Servers SNMP subscriber such as Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control or an SNMP manager SNMP 162 SNMP version 1 (SNMPv1) outgoing traps (user-configurable)
Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs ASR Manager SNMP 162 Telemetry messages sent to ASR Manager
Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs NA IPMI over UDP 162 Outgoing IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) Platform Event Trap (PET)
KVM NA SNMP over UDP 162 Outgoing SNMPv2 traps
PDU NA SNMP over UDP 162 Outgoing SNMPv2 traps
NA Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs LDAP over UDP/TCP 389 Outgoing LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) (user configurable)
ASR Manager ASR backend HTTPS 443 Telemetry messages sent to ASR backend
NA Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs HTTPS over TCP 443 Web (user configurable)
NA KVM HTTPS over TCP 443 Browser interface for MergePoint Utility switch and KVM sessions
NA PDU HTTPS over TCP 443 Browser interface
Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs NA Syslog over UDP 514 Outgoing Syslog
KVM NA Syslog over UDP 514 Outgoing Syslog
PDU NA Syslog over UDP 514 Outgoing Syslog
Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs NA DHCP over UDP 546 client DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
KVM NA DHCP over UDP 546 DHCP client
PDU NA DHCP over UDP 546 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) client
NA Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs IPMI over UDP 623 IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control NA TCP 1159 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control HTTPS upload port
Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control NA TCP 1159 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control HTTPS upload port
NA Database data TCP 1521 Database listener
Database servers, Exadata Storage Servers, and InfiniBand ILOMs NA RADIUS over UDP 1812 Outgoing RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) (user configurable)
NA KVM TCP 2068 KVM session data for keyboard and mouse transmission, or for video transmission on for MergePoint Unity switch
Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control NA TCP 4889 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control HTTP upload port
Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control NA TCP 4889 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control HTTP upload port
NA Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs TCP 5120 ILOM remote console: CD
NA Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs TCP 5121 ILOM remote console: keyboard and mouse
NA Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs TCP 5123 ILOM remote console: diskette
NA Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs TCP 5555 ILOM remote console: encryption
NA Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs TCP 5556 ILOM remote console: authentication
ASR Manager Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs HTTP 6481 Service tags listener for asset activation
NA Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs TCP 6481 ILOM remote console: Servicetag daemon
NA Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs TCP 7578 ILOM remote console: video
NA Database servers, and Exadata Storage Servers ILOMs TCP 7579 ILOM remote console: serial
NA Database servers TCP 7777 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control HTTP console port
NA Exadata Storage Servers TCP 7777 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control HTTP console port
NA Database servers TCP 7799 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control HTTPS console port
NA Exadata Storage Servers TCP 7799 Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control HTTPS console port







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