ASMlib for RHEL 6 finally



这行的行业惯例从来都是上层对底层进行认证.当然asmlib也并不例外。当然更多的人还是习惯性的说法依然是asmlib支持rhel 6而非rhel 6 支持asmlib。具有讽刺意味的是asmlib在rhel平台确实需要redhat来支持。

同时无休止的口水仗终于可以告一个段落了。负责Oracle Linux的高级副总裁 Wim Coekaerts曾因为客户的指责大呼冤枉,并写下这篇长篇大论把所有矛头都指向redhat。他告诉客户SLES支持asmlib Oracle Linux支持aslib。RHEL 6不支持asmlib责任全在redhat身上。

在Oracle的MOS文档Oracle ASMLib Software Update Policy for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supported by Red Hat [ID 1089399.1]

中关于Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL) x86-64的一段已经由:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL6)

For RHEL6, Oracle will only provide ASMLib software and updates when configured with a kernel distributed by Oracle. Oracle will not provide ASMLib packages for kernels distributed by Red Hat as part of RHEL6. ASMLib updates will be delivered via Unbreakable Linux Network(ULN) which is available to customers with Oracle Linux support. ULN works with both Oracle Linux or Red Hat Linux installations, but ASMlib usage will require replacing any Red Hat kernel with a kernel provided by Oracle.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL) x86-64

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (beginning with 6.4) the kernel driver package 'kmod-oracleasm' is available directly from Red Hat, and can be installed from the "RHEL Server Supplementary (v. 6 64-bit x86_64)" channel on Red Hat Network (RHN).  Updates to this module will be provided by Red Hat.  Please check with your Red Hat advisor for questions concerning support of the kernel driver package.  The 'oracleasmlib' and 'oracleasm-support' packages are required and maintained by Oracle.  These are available for download from the Oracle Technology Network.

尽管这篇文档显示的是Last updated: 3 May, 2012,实际修改日期为:2013-5-22。要知道RHEL 6.4的正式发布时间是:2013年2月21日

随后在redhat的官方网站 上进行了说明,宣布为了客户方便可以使用asmlib,但是并不官方支持asmlib,自己依然在寻找完全取代asmlib的开源解决方案。当然就我看来,这只是Redhat在试图挽回一些面子。

The ASMLib kernel module package is provided for the convenience of our
customers but is not supported, nor are the ABIs guaranteed per Red Hat's
Supplementary software package support terms available at

Please note that Red Hat is continuing to develop fully open-source alternatives
to ASMLib. Red Hat has provided a reference architecture for Oracle RAC
clusters using upstream-accepted technologies such as dm-multipath and udev. 
This reference architecture is available at:

显然Redhat宣布这一决定也是迫于客户的压力。可以想象一个从RHEL 5使用asmlib的客户升级到RHEL 6的时候被告知:“对不起,RHEL 6不支持asmlib”时候的心情。








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